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GyanRashmi Training & Advisory 

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Coloquio Model G Summit 2020 - an interschool virtual Conference for the brightest students
The students of Welham Girls' School, The Doon School and Shri Ram Centennial School, with GyanRashmi Training - the hosting and platform provider, present the 1st Interschool virtual G Summit conference. Participate and help your brightest students build a global perspective on international issues!

Sunday, 1st November 2020

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Coloquio Model G Summit 2020 - an interschool virtual Conference for the brightest students
The students of Welham Girls' School, The Doon School and Shri Ram Centennial School, with GyanRashmi Training - the hosting and platform provider, present the 1st Interschool virtual G Summit conference. Participate and help your brightest students build a global perspective on international issues!

Sunday, 1st November 2020

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Student Library

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Coloquio Model G Summit 2020 - an interschool virtual Conference for the brightest students

The students of Welham Girls' School, The Doon School and Shri Ram Centennial School, with GyanRashmi Training - the hosting and platform provider, present the 1st Interschool virtual G Summit conference. Participate and help your brightest students build a global perspective on international issues!

Participants, please read the Background Guide. This guide also has other useful links. Download the guide from the icon on the right.

Participants, please read the frequently asked questions about the event carefully. Download the FAQs from the icon on the right.

Participants, please read the format of the position paper and sample position papers carefully. Download the same from the icon on the right.

Participants, please read the parliamentary procedure carefully. Download the same from the icon on the right.

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